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Tour de Palm Springs Charity Cycling Event

Tour de Palm Springs Charity Cycling Event

Ride to make a difference!  The Tour de Palm Springs has raised over $4,000,000 for Coachella Valley charities since 1999. More than 400 cyclists rode in the first event, known at that time as Spokes for Different Folks.  Now, the Tour de Palm Springs Charity Cycling Event is celebrated bringing both bike enthusiasts and casual riders together for a chance to pedal their way through Greater Palm Springs while supporting local charities.  Promoted by CVSPIN, (Coachella Valley Serving People in Need) dba Tour de Palm Springs, helps support more than 100 charities in the Coachella Valley, with the promise every dollar raised in the Coachella Valley, stays in the Coachella Valley.

Tour de Palm Springs Charity Cycling Event

This year the Tour de Palm Springs is changing the format due to COVID restrictions.

“We can’t all ride together, but we can all ride to make a difference.”  The 2021 event will be virtual this year –  You choose where you’ll ride, when you’ll ride and what route you’ll take.  Participation in this and all local events is more important than ever during these trying times as the local economy starts to recover from COVID restrictions. CVSPIN continues supporting local charities who are in much need during COVID.


Here are a few of the local charities that benefit from this Charity Event; Coachella Valley Autism Soc. Of AmericaCollege of the Desert Foundation, Desert ARC, Desert Friends of the Developmentally Disabled, Desert Legal Aid, Desert Samaritans for the Elderly. Local High Schools and Animal Rescues.