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3 Common Negotiating Mistakes Home Sellers Make

3 Common Negotiating Mistakes Home Sellers Make So you’ve priced your home right, staged your home beautifully, and timed the market perfectly for a quick sale.  Now it's time for all those full price offers to start rolling in, right?  H...

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2024 Home Buyer Trends

Top 12 Features Home Buyers Will Pay More For

As you consider making home improvements; It can be difficult to know what features provide the highest return on investment.  Today's Home Buyers are willing pay more when they find special or unique features that fit their lifestyle, or the ...

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Rising IMortgage Rates


INFLATION, MORTGAGE RATES AND REAL ESTATE There’s been a lot of speculation and hand wringing about high inflation, rising interest rates and the real estate market. Not surprisingly, people are concerned how it will impact real estate mar...

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Steps to Selling a Home

There’s More to Selling A Home Than You Might Think

There is more to selling a home than you might think. After reading the news and maybe hearing stories from friends, it's easy to think that homes sell themselves.  Put a price on it; photograph it; put a sign in the yard; and VOILA! so...

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Buy 1st or Sell 1st

Buy Before You Sell Options

The decision to buy first or sell first, has always been a little of the "What came first: the chicken or the egg?" type of question. Is it better to buy another home before you sell your current one or sell the current one before you buy t...

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Palm Desert Real Estate Lessons from a Pro

Lessons from a Pro When Selling Your Home

THE STAGERS HOME Lessons from a Pro When Selling Your Home - A professional home stager recently decided to sell the 4,000+ square foot home she lived in with her husband. It was well maintained and by most standards, could have gone on the ...

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Strategies to Maximize your home sale

Strategies to Optimize Your Home Sale

Strategic Prep Work and Repairs are The Foundation to Optimize Your Home Sale  Selling a home is totally different than, selling a car for example.  You likely won't recapture the cost of doing work on your car before you trade it in.  Howe...

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Maximize Your Home Sale

How To Maximize Your Home Sale

HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR HOME SALE Even though we're in a fast paced real estate market with sales out-pacing new inventory, you still need to position your home for this market and know how to Maximize Your Home Sale. Your home is one of your ...

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Desert Market Report

Today we’re answering the Question,  How’s the Desert Real Estate Market?                 IT'S A GOOD NEWS STORY FOR BOTH HOME BUYERS AND HOME SELLERS The Desert Real ...

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